- Search courses
- Access to Nursing (incorporating SWAP)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Access to Science (incorporating SWAP)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- AccountingHNCPTFT
- AccountingHNDPTFT
- Accounting and FinanceBA (Hons)PTFT
- ACS Domestic Gas Appliances: Initial Training PTFT
- Acting and PerformanceHNCPTFT
- Acting and Theatre Performance NC PTFT
- Additional Teaching Qual in Computing StudiesCPD AwardPTFT
- Administration and Information TechnologyHNCPTFT
- Administration and Information TechnologyHNDPTFT
- Administration, Office Skills and ServicesNPAPTFT
- Applications of MathematicsHigherPTFT
- Applications of MathematicsNational 5PTFT
- Applied Data AnalyticsMScPTFT
- Applied ScienceSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Applied Science Level 6SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Applied SciencesHNCPTFT
- Applied Software DevelopmentBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeological ScienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeological StudiesMLittPTFT
- ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and Local Studies (SCQF Level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- Archaeology and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Architectural TechnologyHNCPTFT
- Àrd-sgoil (tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig)PGDEPTFT
- Art and Contemporary PracticesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Art and Design UAL Level 2 DiplomaSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Art and Design UAL Level 3 DiplomaSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Barbering SVQ2SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Beauty SVQ 2SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Beauty TherapyHNCPTFT
- Beauty TherapySVQ3PTFT
- BioscienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Book-keepingPDAPTFT
- Bricklaying (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Built Environment (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Bun-sgoil (tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig)PGDEPTFT
- BusinessHNCPTFT
- BusinessHNDPTFT
- Business Administration (Aviation)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Environment)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Executive)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Renewable Energy)MBAPTFT
- Business Administration (Resilience)MBAPTFT
- Business and Administration (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Business and ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Business Management (Graduate Apprenticeship)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Carpentry and Joinery (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- CCN1 Core Domestic Gas Safety: Initial PTFT
- CECA Scotland Academy (NPA Construction Operations)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Child and Youth StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Child and Youth Studies with Community Learning and DevelopmentBA (Hons)PTFT
- Childhood PracticeBA (Hons)PTFT
- Childhood PracticeHNCPTFT
- Childhood Practice NCSCQF Level 6PTFT
- CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in People PracticeCIPD CertificatePTFT
- City & Guilds 2382 - 18th Edition AMD 2 Wiring Regulations PTFT
- City & Guilds 2391-52 – Inspection & Testing PTFT
- Civil EngineeringHNCPTFT
- Civil Engineering (Graduate Apprenticeship)BEng (Hons)PTFT
- Civil Engineering (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- CMI Introduction to First Line ManagementCMI AwardPTFT
- Community LinkSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Computer ScienceHNDPTFT
- ComputingBSc (Hons)PTFT
- ComputingHNCPTFT
- Computing Studies for TeachersCPD AwardPTFT
- Computing with Cyber SecuritySCQF Level 6PTFT
- Computing with Esports NQ Level 5SCQF Level 5PTFT
- CoNGLP1 Fuel Changeover (Natural Gas to LPG) PTFT
- Construction and Civil Engineering Operations (Modern Apprenticeship)SQA Level 5PTFT
- Construction and the Built Environment (Graduate Apprenticeship)BSc (Hons)PTFT
- Construction Contracting Operations: GeneralSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Contemporary Art PracticeHNCPTFT
- Contemporary Art PracticeHNDPTFT
- COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills (SCQF level 8)CPD AwardPTFT
- CounsellingHNCPTFT
- CounsellingHNDPTFT
- Creative Writing in the Highlands and IslandsBA (Hons)PTFT
- CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Criminology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture and HeritageBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Domestic Plumbing (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Drama and ProductionBA (Hons)PTFT
- EAL Diploma in EngineeringSCQF Level 7PTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (Graduate Apprenticeship)BAPTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (top up one-year honours)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Electrical and Mechanical EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Electrical Installation (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6/7PTFT
- Energy EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Engineering (Systems pathway)HNCPTFT
- Engineering - Multi-Skilled (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6/7PTFT
- Engineering Practice NCSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Engineering SystemsHNCPTFT
- Engineering Systems NCSCQF Level 6PTFT
- EnglishHigherPTFT
- EnglishNational 5PTFT
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) PTFT
- Environmental ScienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Environmental ScienceHigherPTFT
- Environmental Science (with a year in industry)BSc (Hons)PTFT
- Epidemiology and Surveillance of Healthcare Acquired InfectionsCPD AwardPTFT
- ESOL 4 Living in ScotlandSVQ4PTFT
- Fabrication and Welding (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Fabrication and Welding SVQ2SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Fitness Health and ExerciseHNCPTFT
- Fitness Health and ExerciseHNDPTFT
- Food and Beverage Service (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Forest Kindergarten (SCQF level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- ForestryHNCPTFT
- ForestryPDAPTFT
- Forestry and Treescapes ManagementBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Forestry and Urban Woodland Operations (Advanced) PTFT
- General Woodland and Forestry Treework (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- GeographyBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Geography (with a year in industry)BSc (Hons)PTFT
- Global EntrepreneurshipPgCertPTFT
- HairdressingSVQ2PTFT
- Hairdressing (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Health and Social CareSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Health and Social Care SupervisionPDAPTFT
- Health and Social Care: Administration of MedicationPDAPTFT
- Health and Social StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Health Leadership and ManagementPgCertPTFT
- Healthcare Outbreak ManagementCPD AwardPTFT
- HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- HorticultureHNCPTFT
- HorticultureHNDPTFT
- Hospitality Services (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Host Defence and ProtectionCPD AwardPTFT
- Human Resource ManagementMScPTFT
- Infection Prevention and ControlMScPTFT
- Information Technology in BusinessPDAPTFT
- Internal Verification of Workplace AssessmentPDAPTFT
- Introduction to BeautySCQF Level 4PTFT
- Introduction to Business, Administration and AccountingSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Introduction to Cyber SecurityCPD AwardPTFT
- Introduction to HairdressingSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Introduction to the Woodland Environment PTFT
- IOSH Managing Safely PTFT
- IOSH Working Safely PTFT
- Leadership and ManagementMScPTFT
- LEEP Ahead (Life, Education, Employment & Personal Development)SCQF Level 4/5PTFT
- LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and Creative WritingBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- MathematicsHigherPTFT
- MathematicsNational 4PTFT
- MathematicsNational 5PTFT
- Mechanical EngineeringBEng (Hons)PTFT
- Mechanical Engineering SVQ2 (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Mental Health Peer SupportPDAPTFT
- Moral and Philosophical Studies with Religious EducationBA (Hons)PTFT
- Motor Vehicle - IMI Diploma Level 1 Light Vehicle Maintenance and RepairSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Motor Vehicle - IMI Diploma Level 2 Light Vehicle Maintenance and RepairSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Multiply: Support for NumeracySCQF Level 4PTFT
- NursingBScPTFT
- Office AdministrationPDAPTFT
- OFTEC Oil Course PTFT
- Oral Health ScienceBScPTFT
- Painting and Decorating (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Painting and Decorating NPASCQF Level 5PTFT
- Pathways to Care, Health and Society Level 5SCQF Level 5PTFT
- PhilosophyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsBA (Hons)PTFT
- PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Preparation for Uniformed and Emergency ServicesSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Primary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Primary (English Medium) (Part-time)PGDEPTFT
- Primary (Gaelic Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Professional CookerySCQF Level 5PTFT
- Professional CookerySCQF Level 6PTFT
- Professional Cookery Level 4SCQF Level 4PTFT
- Professional Cookery SVQ2 (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Professional Cookery SVQ3 (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- PsychologyBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Psychology ConversionMScPTFT
- REHIS Controlling the Risk of Cross ContaminationREHISPTFT
- REHIS Elementary Food HygieneREHISPTFT
- REHIS Intermediate Food HygieneREHISPTFT
- Scottish Personal Licence Holder PTFT
- Scottish Personal Licence Holder Refresher PTFT
- SCQF level 5/6 Engineering Maintenance - Mechanical (Modern Apprenticeship) PTFT
- Secondary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Secondary (English Medium) (Part-time)PGDEPTFT
- Secondary (Gaelic Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Skills Connect: Create MeSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Skillsbuilder 1SCQF Level 1PTFT
- Skillsbuilder 2SCQF Level 2PTFT
- Skillsbuilder 3SCQF Level 3PTFT
- Social ScienceNC Level 6PTFT
- Social SciencesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Social SciencesHNCPTFT
- Social ServicesHNCPTFT
- Social Services (Children and Young People)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Social Services (Children and Young People)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Social Services - Children and Young People (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SVQ2SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SVQ2 (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SVQ3SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare SVQ3 (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Sociology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Soft Tissue TherapyHNCPTFT
- Sport & Fitness Level 5SCQF Level 5PTFT
- Sport and FitnessBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Sport StudiesSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Sports Coaching and DevelopmentHNCPTFT
- Sports Coaching and DevelopmentHNDPTFT
- Sports ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sports TherapyHNDPTFT
- Step Into CareSCQF Level 4PTFT
- Sustainable Construction Level 6SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further EducationPgCertPTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further Education (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- The Built Environment (Infection Prevention and Control)CPD AwardPTFT
- Trees and Timber (Modern Apprenticeship)SCQF Level 5/6PTFT
- Unvented Hot Water PTFT
- Visual CommunicationHNCPTFT
- Visual CommunicationHNDPTFT
- Visual Communication and DesignBA (Hons)PTFT
- Woodland Skills (Intermediate) PTFT
- Workplace Assessment Using Direct and Indirect MethodsPDAPTFT